You can contact us through our website by filling out this form. And you can also call us at +551136317200, our consultants are able to answer all your questions. And if you prefer, you can also send an email directly to comercial@landix.com.br.

If you are having any difficulties with your Landix system, you can contact our Service Center or call +551136317200 option 1.

Fill in the form below and our commercial team will contact you. Or if you prefer, send an email to comercial@landix.com.br.

First of all, I recommend you take a look at our People page. There you will find our main information and our philosophy, I can say that it is difficult not to be enchanted. If you like it and feel that you really want to be part of our team, send us your CV.

It's easy: get in touch with our salesperson using the form or by emailing
comercial@landix.com.br. If you prefer, just call +551136317200.

You can contact our Service Center and make a license request or call +551136317200 option 1.

You can contact our Service Center and make a license request or call +551136317200 option 1.

If you have a sales force, you have Landix. To be a Landix customer you need to have an ERP and salespeople. Contact our consultants and ask your questions +551136317200 or send an email directly to comercial@landix.com.br.

You can call +55341136317200 or send an email directly to comercial@landix.com.br so that our consultants can help you.

Sankhya, Jiva, TOTVS, SAP, Senior, ATS Informática, Orácullos, Big X (Legus), Flatan, ACC Informática, Consinco, Datasul, Engepel, HB2, JRTI Sistemas, Linx, Movimento Sistemas, PC Sistemas, Protheus, Softup, SPK Sistemas, Topsys e Versa.

If you are having any difficulties with your Landix system, you can contact our Service Center or call +55341136317200 option 1.

If you are having any difficulties with your Landix system, you can contact our Service Center or call +55341136317200 option 1.

Contact our financier +551136317200 option 3 or send an e-mail to financeiro@landix.com.br.